70 entries.
Mark, saw the video recently posted online, With Love and With Humor. It brought back incredible memories; I teared up. I came to Kenora at age 4 and my aunt and uncle (Evelyn and Sam Gold) had a small ladies wear store in the same complex as your grandparents so I was there often. I seem to recall there being an inside connection between the stores and remember your grandmother Rose vey well. Your dad must have been in late teens at the time. From those days on He was always incredibly kind to me, something a child never forgets. Many of the Kenora Jewish families were and remain very close, I still correspond with Hannah. Never knew your mom as well, but Kelvin always had a special place in my heart. Of all the the Kenora Jews, I think the only ones my family remained close to were yours and 1-2 others. Have somehow found your webpage and now learned more about you and your brothers. Great website, so nice to re-aquaint myself with you and your family. If I get to NY again I will try to meet for lunch. Take care, all the best to you and your family. Arnold
Hi Mark. I like the way you've talked about the positive and difficult moments in your life. It gives readers a sense of who you are as a person. Thank you for this window into your life.
Hi Mark, what a great story and life you guys lived together . Love reading about the love you all shared. Really enjoyed it. Thanks, Milad
Wow! What a great site. I had the pleasure of working with Mayor Winkler for many years and was friends with Lila as well. In fact the Winkler piano graced our living for many years. Kelvin and Lila felt they were blessed to have 3 talented sons. I really enjoyed this trip down memory lane. Thanks.
Hi Mark, what a great site! It was so nice to read through these stories and go through these chapters. Really enjoyed it. Thanks, Colin
Hi Mark Loved your natural story telling….the message hard at yourself, embrace each opportunity..and hang on to your friends……your biggest achievement..Rita’s future.
Hi Mark- a beautiful website so nice to meet you and your family history through the website- interested in your family's history as I am interested in the Jewish History of Kenora. Members of my family resided in Kenora from around 1919. First my great-great-great aunt Genendal Ashkin/Gerovitch then my great uncles Sam and Saul Daiter and my Dad's cousin Zen Daiter. General operated a Lady's wear store on Main Street and Saul and Sam farmed, then owned a motel. The family was involved in a synagogue in Kenora so I always thought there would have been more of a community there. BB Camp is still on Towne Island and I am sure is located there because of the community support for it. Would love to hear more from you about the history.
Hello, Dear Mark! I have found you again through my friend Randee, who just sent me the best Birthday Card - a note saying that you are her cousin!!! And the long windy amazing story of connecting to her and her family. So, I am perusing your website, so happy to hear your voice in such full-bodied beauty, reflecting on the beauty of our collaborations so long ago and thinking about how we must reunite and share our lives in person in the near future. Until then, Much love and joy to have found you again! XXXXXXXX most direct to call or text or let me know with a text that you have sent an email. They get buried sometimes and I don't want to miss your reply. Idelle
MY mother Elsie was you and your brothers aux pair back in the late 70s . She spent only a short time with your family but she was very impacted by you guys, she even named my older brother Mark after you I think. Mark died this past summer from Covid and she has talked about memories of your family more so. I thought I’d google your name and lo and behold …small world. I know my mother would love to talk or email with you, get an update. Email Me if you are open to this
Hi, Mark, I did a search for you, because I wanted to thank you for your amazingly generous donation to Radical Joy for Hard Times! I saw the photo of us withj the Quilicos, long long ago. Believe it or not, I am still in touch with David Powless, subject of our other IBM show that year. It was he whose words in that AV production gave me the idea that became RadJoy. Send me your mailing address, and I'll send you my book and a RadJoy flag.
Beautiful life you lived together ❤ and built. Love reading about the love you all shared.
Thank you for the recount of this beautiful experience shared by two beautiful souls.
I came across your page quite by accident today Mark. Such lovely and moving stories. I got to know your Dad when he was Mayor and I worked for the town's solicitor, Mr. O'Flaherty. I loved reading the love story of you and Charlie. 🙂
Interesting to reconnect with you after all these years. “Hamilton” is my favorite Broadway show of all-time also. Your serious health issue(s) was quite something to read about. Glad you made it thru all of that. Let’s have lunch next time I’m in NYC whenever the heck that might be. Take care. Jim
Very interesting to read you Good luck to you
Hi Mark, It has been a very long time, not sure if you remember me, we were friends when you lived in Toronto, Remember Chutzpah??, Hope you are well, I enjoyed reading your site!
Thank you so much for writing the article regarding your memories of Dr Jerry Litman. I worked for him in the 80's in Winnipeg at Redwood Dental Center. He was the kindest, gentlest man I have ever met. My working with him enriched my life totally. I shall never forget him. Thank you for posting his photo, also. Carolyn Post
Thanks for sharing your life on this truly terrific site.
Hello I believe you are the Mark Winkler that is a 3rd cousin match (113) on ancestry. I googled you name to try to find how we are related and came across your blog. I really enjoyed reading your stories of Kenora an family. I am still working on how we are related. (A lot of procreating went on in Northern Ontario and they all seemed to name their kids the same 10 first names 😀) Take care, Denise
Proud to have met you. A very interesting and insightful person who is a living proof of how life events can be used to evolve one’s serenity, wisdom and love for humanity.
Thank you Mark for inviting me to share a very personal part of your life. Your stories, photos and video of Charlie, Jay and your Parents was especially moving. I view this website as a testament of love and gratitude to the three men and mother who helped mold you into the loving kind and caring man that I know you to be. I wish I could have met them but in a sense I feel as if I did the day I met you. It is now so obvious to me that they are part of your very essence and they live through you with every act of love and kindness you share unconditionally with those you know and even those you don’t. You’re a very special man Mr. Winkler and I am so very grateful to know you. xo
Mark great website! Good read (as six of us plan to descend on your place)!
This was a good read. Thanks for sharing Mark.
Hello Mark I was enjoying watching and reading your web site and browsing the Facebook entries. It is amazing - there are so many striking similarities there on our lives: the feelings at the first important public performance and successful recovery inspiration and positive attitude helping you in overcoming struggle with some unfortunate moments you have had no chance of fixing… Unfortunately I was not able to listen and download your performance due to error there. Thank you for sharing. Sincerely Leon Karan
Interesting coincidences that the Internet sometimes brings to light. My Father (Eric) was a fellow Cabinent Minister and friend of Leo Bernier.We also had relatives in and around Dryden and I was there many times in my younger years. Fly me an email if you feel so inclined. Take care. MPW
So glad to visit this pages you are full of surprises! What an interesting life you have lived and are living I am very lucky to have met you and more so to have connected with you again after so many years. Now not just me, my family also are in your life to stay if you want us to! With my admiration and love!
I've only just begun visiting these moments that you've created. It is quite fun discovering who you are and who you were beyond our limited experiences together. I look forward to access permissions. That's when the real reveal begins to happen. Peace and Love! Rick
I just listened to your friend's mom 's voicemail. Hilarious. Love when people are appalled. Mark dude you really went through a rough time. Your treatment and recovery story is sobering. I can't say I didn't know this or that because obviously I didn't know anything. But I do see a very complex and varied life. You are still a mystery to me. -mbc
Great Site!!
Mark what courage shines through this recounting of your life so far one full of both love and challenge. Thank you for sharing with the world. A pleasure to read to experience. Warm regards Joan Watterson
Mark: Looking through your life has been a journey of a life lived and loved. It's been a pleasure to view and no I never knew Jay was a Barefoot Bandito! I'm so sad at your deep loss in losing your partner Charlie. I like that he loved to travel and I hope you two got to see more of our vast wide world before he shed this mortal coil. Peace my friend. You were a wonderful friend so long ago. Rick Medland
This site was a distinct treat to page through. I felt slightly voyeuristic because it is so sincere and sentimental but that feeling decreased with every page. I know many of the people in these pages including your parents their friends and of course your friends - but I don't know you. I have memories of you from Lakewood but I feel like I would certainly have been impressed by your vocal talent had I only known! I took lessons from Blaine Goodridge in the summers but never studied formally. I sing a little in an ensemble locally but limit the opera to the shower! Thank you for sharing this....again a pleasure. Stay on top of your health - your story needs many more chapters. Wishing you all the best.
Hi Mark Just a quick note to say a huge THANK YOU for your great support of Kenora Pride last week and the Winnipeg Symphony Concert last night.... I had hoped to connect with you after the concert but it didn't happen. If you are in Kenora for a few more days it would be great to chat with you over a coffee...... I did catch up with Lenard and Edward for a few minutes at intermission. Perhaps they could join us. I have recently moved back to Kenora after a number of years in the concert hall /symphony management circuit in Toronto (Roy Thomson/ Massey Hall / Esprit Orchestra) and losing my partner to cancer too. Drop me a line if you get a chance Best Randy
Very Lovely
A lovely space. Elroy
Hello Mark I hope you remember as I was the man who cleaned your apartment back in the early 90's and it was always a joy to take care of your needs and your clothes and I just happen to come across this that Charlie passed. To say I am heart broken about this is just makes my heart hurt. Both of you were always kind and considered towards me back in the day. I just wanted to let you know that I did care and I am sorry I missed your part before I left to live down in south carolina. much love always joseph sozzi-paradis
A work of passion - a must be seen to appreciate the man his talents and life.
Your life story so far has been beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing it with me. James
looking forward to reading this and the future updates!
Your stories are truly inspirational. They embody the true essence of Courage and Determination. Thank you Like a Pheonix Rise from the Ashes. Rebirth.